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"Clean Slate" Test Platform

     A key element in effective system testing, is testing on a 'clean slate' test platform.  Clean slate testing allows you to test a product in the original environment it was meant to be executed within. It also allows you to add different software or hardware configurations one at a time to see what effects they may have on your product.  Ranch River Group utilizes a process called 'configuration imaging' to achieve a 'clean slate' test platform.  These images include your standardized desktop and system configuration. This allows us to bring up a specific configuration image on our test platform without having to reinstall every application and operating system each time a test needs to be run.  This saves you time and money, and increases the quality control of your product.  If your product is experiencing problems when run under a system with a specific configuration, clean slate testing can help you narrow down quickly where the incompatibility lies.


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